Baby Forster

Friday, September 30, 2005

Back at work

I am now officially back at work although I have only managed three afternoons so far! I went back on Wednesday - admittedly didnt do an awful lot of work - but it was lovely to see Faye again, to be back at my desk and for everyone to say nice things to me! I know I look pretty dreadful even with fourteen hours sleep but at least I probably look as bad as I feel!

I was sick at work yesterday and today - not very enjoyable at all - and a bit different from kneeling on the carpeted bathroom at home and then being able to clean my teeth!

Since being back at work I feel much more tired. I am really going to try every day to go in though- I think its good for me to go out- even if its to go out and come back in again. I just hope I dont bore my work colleagues for the next 7 months or so. Hopefully I will be able to be "normal" once the sickness has gone.

I used my free prescription card in the week when I picked up the second batch of anti sickness tablets from Boots. Much better than having to actually pay for medicine!

I am already feeling quite protective over my little blobby baby in my tummy - like a maternal feeling. I cant wait to see it next Thursday! The thought of the scan really keeps me going.

I was feeling really sorry for myself yesterday evening about being so sick (I have been sick five times yesterday and had had enough!) so I was talking to Dan about it. He made me remember that I had improved as two weeks ago I wasnt even able to sit up and now I can to work! Amazing what a couple of weeks can make really.

I am hoping to see Imy tomorrow. She will REALLY remind me of what this is all about. When I am out and about I always spot Mums with their babies in their pushchairs and I think (hopefully) I will be one of those fairly soon!

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I'm Nine Weeks tomorrow...

...and as my sick note runs out today I am hoping to go back to work. Im not convinced how I am actually going to do a days work but I am definitely going to give it ago and see how I get on.

The past few days have been up and down. Ive started to get tummy aches that after a while turn into sickness. Its like my tummy is trying to hold onto some food before it comes back out again! I dont remember a day when I wasnt sick but at least the queasiness seems to come and go now rather than stay here permanently.

I weighed myself yesterday and I have lost a stone. I was weighed at the doctors three weeks ago and came in at nine and a half stone (which seemed a lot to me) and now I am eight and a half stone. Hardly surprising really and Im sure I'll put it back on in the second trimester.

Nine days and counting to the scan - really looking forward to it. The appointment letter mentions nothing about drinking lots of water before the scan so Im not sure if I need to do that or not. Dan is coming with me and then he is off up to London for a work meeting. I hope we get to have a photo.

My life certainly seems to be completely engrossed in the baby/ pregnancy world already. Hopefully when I am well again I can start to enjoy non baby things again!

Rico has been doing a very good job of keeping me company but as its a sunny afternoon she is finally off out for a little play. She can sleep more than me and thats saying something!

Day time TV is driving me mad - well the adverts are anyway so Im glad that I can sit up for longer and use the pc some more. Mum has Imy today so I am hoping she will send me through some photos of Imogen walking. Bless her. I feel like I havent seen her for ages and I miss her.

The subject of Christmas Day has come up already this year! Lou and Niall are apparently having a marquee (incl. flooring and heating) erected in their garden and are hosting a Christmas Day family meal for 17 people! Good luck is what I say! It'll be nice for Imy to have both her Grandparents there for her. Dan and I are hoping to do this too if we can arrange time to also spend with Dan's family. I will hopefully be about 5 months by then so I will have a bump! I still can't picture me with a bump!!

Friday, September 23, 2005

14 days now sick!

Well Ive been "in bed" sick for two weeks now and I am well fed up with it. Had a really bad day yesterday - bad head, bad sickness and had period pain too. I worried that this was not normal and that I was going to lose the baby. There was no blood whatsoever though and this morning I felt a lot better. In fact Ive not actually been sick today which must be a record - although there are a still a couple of hours left of the day!!

Im glad its the weekend. Having Dan home makes a big difference - I tend to eat more because he prepares it for me - and having someone else in the house makes you feel less isolated.

I managed to eat a dinner tonight aswell - JP with a little beans and cheese. My tummy is not used to it being so full though.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

A day in the life of me

My average day at the moment goes something like this:

8.00 Dan wakes me up with a bowl of ready brek that I eat and then go back to sleep.
13.00 Usually wake up again with Rico flat out next to me.
13.15 I take my first anti sickness tablet and lay there while it works.
13.45 Go and get something to eat - usually fruit cocktail in a pot and some mini cheddars.
14.00 Am usually sick lots around about now.
14.15 Lay on the sofa upstairs and watch day time TV.
15.00 Have a shower/ bath.
15.30 Check my texts and my e mails.
16.00 Back to the sofa bed upstairs to lay down.
18.15 Dan comes home and makes me something to eat.
18.30 Lay on the sofa and watch TV and sometimes Im sick.
22.00 Take anti sickness tablet and go to bed.

Pretty much all of the day I spend upstairs feeling queasy! I have no life!!


I decided that dreams needed its very own post considering I dream so much. Apparently its the hormones that make me have very strong vivid lengthy dreams.

So far I have dreamt:

- That I spent the whole day with Robbie Williams - great fun!
- That err Dan preffered err men to me!!
- That Mum refused to sit at the same restaurant table as me and it caused a nig hoo ha!

- No dreams about babies yet - perhaps that will come later?

All amusing anyhow.

8 Weeks Today

I love the fact that I am now eight weeks today and can now say I am in my ninth week of pregnancy. Seems much more adviced than 6 weeks although alot more sick!

I went to the doctors yesterday for a check up and a chat. It was a last minute appointment so I saw a different doctor. He told me to hang on in there, to keep going with the anti - sickness tablets and to eat and drink as much as I can. He also was asking about the scan to see if it may be a multiple birth. The second doctor to mention this. I think its cos the sickness was so bad so soon. I'd love to have twins but one healthy baby would be a blessing.

The doctor has signed me off work for another week and I completed my free prescription form. I felt like the pressure was off once I had a work exemption as I found it difficult enough to get dressed and drive myself to the doctors - feeling queasy all the way- so I wasnt sure how I would be able to get to work never mind actually do work. Oh I also handed in my stool sample which they are testing for gastroenteritis and the results from my wee were all fine so no urine probs.

A couple of things I have noticed about myself are:

- The thought of a cup of tea is disgusting. A cup of cold milk instead eases my heartburn.
- I have got hairier! I dont seem to notice my body hair much but had to have a shave today as it seemed to have grown over night.
- My sense of smell is strong and I hate anything that doesnt smell less than nice.
- My diarrhoea has turned into slight constipation.
- I still have a spare tyre around my tummy although Im convinced that my boobies have grown - just a little bit!
- The shower makes me feel really sick and I have to be quick. Today I felt stronger so treated myself to a bath instead.

Monday, September 19, 2005

What the Baby is Up to...

Last week and this week....

The baby now has all its main internal organs though they are not yet fully developed. The eyes and ears are growing, and the face is beginning to take on a human shape. The baby is just under an inch or 2.5cm long.

The baby's limbs are defeloping very rapidly, and fingers and toes are beginning to be defined on the hands and feet. The baby is moving about gently to exercise its muscles, although you cannot feel these movements. At this point the baby weighs only about as much as a grape.

Its all very amazing especially how something as small as a grape can make me so sick?!

Appointments Made

Today seems to be appointment day!

I had a letter from the JR Hospital about my scan. Its booked on Thursday 6th October at 9am. I will be 10 weeks by then. It seems quite early to have a scan but Im not complaining! We can then see how many babies there are - see if Dr Arthur was right when she said about the possibility of twins! Dan is going to come with me. We will get to meet our baby for the first time. How completely lovely. It gives me something to focus on when Im not feeling my best.

I also just had a call from the midwife. We made an appointment to meet on Friday 7th October (after my scan) at the local hospital. This also makes things seem more official and more real plus we will get to check out the local hospital. Im not sure what the actual appointment entails and whether Dan should come - I felt too sick to ask.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

7 weeks and 4 days

I know I am really going on about being sick but I just thought I would say that the anti nausea wrist bands that I wear - although Im not sure if they are do anything - they are a good way of keeping my hair back when I am actually being sick!!!


My family, as well as work, have been terrific.

Dan has been an absolute super star. He has been so patient with me. He has been cleaning and tidying the house, doing the washing, changing the bed and getting me my tablets and drinks and food when I can face it. He is now a dab hand at Ready Brek which is now my staple diet.

Mum and Ses both text me pretty much every day - I wish I had something different to reply to how are you feeling today. There is not much change from day to day but its nice to know that they are thinking of me.

When I get down about feeling so bad, this is when I phone Lou. She understands and remembers what it is like. She always reminds me of the bubba growing inside me - its difficult to remember this when you are feeling so so bad.


Not going to work at first made me feel guilty. Now I just know I couldnt do it so I feel less bad. Faye is now back from her hols so at least what I cant do she can try and cover for me. I told Michael last week so he could get cover before Faye did come back and he was so understanding and really lovely about the whole thing. Trish also knows and sends me e mails saying things like look after yourself and your future - you are more important than work right now. I wish it would ease just a bit so I could perhaps just go in the afternoons or something. I miss the routine and I miss Faye. Faye has been a treasure - always texting me to see if Im okay etc. Bless her. I appreciate the thoughtfulness and the understanding.

Still sick

So the dr prescribed me some anti sickness tabs and although they make me sick as well they also stop me being sick too. So I am sick a lot less taking them.

Queasiness is still there though. Have been signed off work until Wed.

Yesterday I made good progress and I sat up for a whole two hours and was only sick once.

16th September

Just popped on to update...spend 20 hours in bed and the other 4 laying down watching TV. Have been to the drs who have prescribed me ant sickness tablets. Am trying wrist bands. Have been sick ooo at least 20 times this week. What a glum post...going back to bed now.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

I feel so sick!!!

6 weeks and 6 days.

Just wanted to expand on my nausea/ sickness moan if I may?! I really do feel quite bad. It started on Friday and has not eased at all. I can't eat meals, Im not interested in drinking, the only rest I get from it is when I am asleep. I can't go into the kitchen, I cant watch food adverts on the TV. Today I have eaten one and a half slices of white bread (without butter) and some grapes. I am trying to drink water (cant face tea or anything like that) but Im finding that tough as well. When I am sick there's no ah thats a bit better afterwards. My tummy is sore from wretching. I'm tired and lifeless. Having a shower is a lot of doing and even then I feel sick in the cubicle.

Obviously I wouldn't want to change my situation but I wish it would just ease up a bit.

Moan over!

Monday, September 12, 2005

...And it continues...

Still feeling really queasy. Its the fourth day in a row. Instead of wretching/ dribbling I have actually been sick today twice. Once this morning when I got out of bed and then again around 2pm.

I managed to go to work for at least an hour and a half then started feeling really bad and came home so I could be sick in the comfort of my own home!

I can't seem to find anything that eases it. So far Ive tried:

- Ginger biscuits in bed laying down as soon as Ive woken up.
- Eating little and often - feel sick when I eat, feel sick when I dont
- Eating what I fancy although I dont actually fancy much

Friday, September 09, 2005

The Nausea has started...

6 weeks and 2 days

I've well and trully joined the I feel sick club!!! Oh boy - not the greatest day.

I twisted my back getting up for the loo last night (one of the many trips) so I was in pain with that. I didnt sleep after that very well so I was tired when I woke up. Then sat and ate my breakfast as normal and soon as I finished I felt like I quickly had to be sick was just wretching over the kitchen sink (nice!). Nothing came up though. Felt very rough. Took the day off sick and feeling very nauseous - is this what its like for the next 7 weeks?

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Doctors Appointment

6 weeks and 1 Day

I had a my doctors appointment today which lasted 30 minutes. It was mainly going through all the paperwork - filling in forms and giving me things to think about (which include Downs Syndrome, where I would like to give birth). My height, weight, blood pressure and family history were all taken. The doctor listened to my lungs too. Everything seemed to be fine. I told him I was feeling very tired but apart from that I was fine. He seemed very pleased with me! I was given my blue maternity folder that I should take to all appointments from now on. Inside the folder is a pregnancy booklet so I am looking forward to reading that later. The doctor has now referred me onto the Midwife who will contact me at some point. This I was very pleased about as he thinks that me taking my tablets won;t be a major problem and if he thought there would be probs then he would have referred me to the Obstracian (sp?!) instead. So Im very pleased with being treating as "normal"!

I felt really excited after my appointment. I phoned Dan who was on the train going into London for work to tell him what the doctor had said. He was very pleased too!

I dont think I have had any cravings yet although I did HAVE to go home last night via Sainos to get some more s&v twirl crisps!! I think this is more like me being a piggy rather than cravings! They were lovely though!

Hardly any nausea yet either - I expect Ive got it all to come!!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

6 Weeks today!

I'm 6 weeks today which means that I am now into my seventh week of pregnancy. According to the books - I may sometimes fel faint or dizzy and my boobies may become more prominant. Neither of these have happened - yet! I am just very tired - even after a good 11 hours sleep!

As for the baby this is what is happening:
The limb buds have developed rapidly and now look like tiny arms and legs. At the end of these limbs are small identations which will later become fingers and toes. The spinal cord and brain are now almost complete and the head is assuming a human shape. The baby is now about 1/2 inch or (1.3 cm) long.

Bless. I can't believe that is happening in my tummy. How completely lovely.

Tomorrow at 9am I have my first antenatal appointment at the drs. It is a 30 minute appointment.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

5 Weeks & 6 Days Pregnant

Im 6 weeks tomorrow - yay!! Really want the time to go quickly to my safe time. Still doing lots of hoping and praying.

I have to say how lush Dan is being. He is doing pretty much everything at home including the cooking, tidying and loading/ unloading the dishwasher - its fab! Surely he can't keep that up for another 8 months?! Althought saying that he said that I was acting a bit like a teenager the other night and I shouted at him saying I was not!!! I think that's the sign of the hormones eh?!

Of course I still have the most tender boobs in the history of the world! I am still hoping that they will grow a bit and I will soon be of my AA bras - now that would be good!! Apart from the boobs I have really started feeling the tiredness. It reminds me of a child's tiredness where suddenly they can't keep their eyes open anymore and they simply have to sleep. I have been very good and going to bed early - around 9pm although it does make the evenings go by very quickly!

I told my Mum and Dad on Sunday. My Mum was saying "What wonderful news" and my Dad kept saying "That really is lovely". They were both very surprised (as they did not even know we were trying), delighted and completely thrilled. Oh how I love to tell people and see their lovely reactions. Very bless indeed.

I have properly calculated my due date too. I think its May 8th. I hadn't realised that they add a few days on according to the length of your regular cycle - thought that was really interesting!

5weeks & 2 Days Pregnant

I had my drs appointment yesterday. Had to wait a bit before it was my turn but the doctor was really sweet and made a big point of congratulating (once he knew it was the result that I wanted!). We had a nice chat about this and that but he said that we didn't have time to go through all the paperwork so I have made another appointment - next Thursday at 9am. This is my first antenatal (who? Me?!! ) appointment and will last 30 minutes so I guess there's lots of form filling to be done!

still have the most tender boobies and I'm convinced that they look bigger although I am wearing the same bra (I wish eh?!) I also have what feels like slight period pain - a dull ache. I had it last night and I kept waking up cos I was worried about whether the pains were normal. After some web research I feel more reassured that this is only the baby getting cosy in my tummy. I hope. (and Im praying too).

Telling the world
I have been thinking that I may tell my Mum and Dad this weekend if we get to see them. I know its still very early days to be telling lots but if something was to go wrong then I know they will be there for me. I am really looking forward to telling them. They do not know that we were even trying (unlike my sisters) although I think my Mum may have an inkling there.

I went to the library the other day and got out a couple of good books. One was an NCT book about what I should and shouldn't eat and the other is the popular Dr Miriam Stoppard book. I'm not reading the birth section just yet!! Dan also bought me From Here to Maternity by Mel Giedroyc (as in Mel & Sue) - a very light hearted and funny read - I read it in a couple of days - really enjoyable and just what I needed after we had just found out - nothing too heavy.

I still can't believe this is happening to me. When I was waiting at the doctors it made me realise how much I really really really want this baby.

Discovering I am Pregnant

Friday 26th August... Just finished work for the long Bank Holiday weekend...2 days before our first wedding anniversary...

I was doing the party food shopping at Tescos (for our family wedding anniversary party) and chucked in a clearblue digital test - aren't I posh?! Never used a digital one before!! But its all they had - and it was a pack of three so I was thinking right I'll save the other two for next month. I get to the checkout and the lovely lady on the till couldn't get the test out of plastic security box that the tests come in. So she asked her colleague to go and get another one - whilst saying to the cashier please dont put out a tannoy about this!!..but it was the last one. So she pulled it and pulled it and it came out eventually with a bit of a damaged box one end and I told her that I would blame her it was a negative now and she said it was a good omen and that she would be thinking of me now and would I come back and tell her the new? Bless. I am driving home with the shopping and Lou phoned and she like has your period come yet? No? Take a test!! I was like well we'll see!! I get home and I'm unpacking the shopping trying to take my mind of it and having a cup of tea cos I want do a test but I dont need a wee (typical!!). I read the test instructions as I've not used a posh digital one before. Dan then comes home and says he's going straight out to do more shopping (I couldn't manage all the party food in one trip!!) and Im trying to stall him cos I want to do the test now. Insist he stays and makes me a cup of tea but I just need the loo.......So off I go to the loo...sorry if the next bit is Too Much Info!!! Its 5.45 and I need to go for a poo too!! So I'm trying to catch some wee in a pot without errr getting the poo in the pot too!!!! I'm sitting on the loo and I can see the digital word pop up clealy saying "Pregnant" and I'm waiting for the "NOT" word to appear to read Not Pregnant but its not coming up and Im like eeeeeeekkkk!!! (BTW Dan does not know I am doing a test but does know I am "late"). The test says I'm Pregnant but it feels surreal and although I am completely over the moon, I'm also very gobsmacked but want to look normal when I see Dan. So I did what I wanted to do with the results for our first paper anniversary... I got a piece of paper and wrote on it - "We are having a baby - Happy first Anniversary!!!" and I put the piece of paper in an envelope. Meanwhile tea's up and I say casually I have something for you - Dan doesn't suspect. I say its an early anniversary present and he opens it....His face!!! What a picture!! And he's like Nooooooo, really? And we hug and kiss and its lovely and we are feeling spaced out!! Dan then goes off to Sainos and I carry on pottering around at home!!